Visits are self-guided with a guide-leaflet in either English, Dutch, German or Spanish, explaining the history of the Château and focusing on the special features of the architecture and Gardens.
From June to September, night tours on Tuesdays ( + Thursdays in July and August) are an immersion into the past … Please book at 06 16 22 97 69.
For guided tours in English or Dutch, please book at +33(0)784681321
- Nederlandstalige rondleidingen
woensdag 15.30 uur en vrijdag 14.00 uur
in juli en augustus ook rondleiding bij kaarslicht op dinsdagavond om 21.30 uur
Voor reservering en informatie
bel of sms naar +33(0)784681321
of mail naar
- English guided tours
Wednesday 2:00 pm and Friday 3:30 pm
For bookings and more information
please call or text to +33(0)784681321
or send an email to
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